100 Days of Code

Written: Feb 22nd 2021 by Brandon Brown
Time to read: 0 Mins

100 Days of code challenge

I think it's time I joined the #100DaysofCode challenege this is going to be more of a mini-series where I will do an update on where I am and what it is I'm learning these are going to be short and sweet updates evyer few days to update on mt progress and the things I've learned.

I'm going to start on freecodecamp.org I've decided to start with the front end libraries with Bootstrap.

Which is where I will start today, Even tho this blog is actually built with Bootstrap I figured it can never hurt to revisit a subject. If I'm being completely honest I only really learned enough to make the website and thats about it.

I didn't really learn a lot from the section they had on Bootstrap which was actually a pretty short one but it drives two things home.

  1. Everything has a class buttons, divs, forms, text colors, text centering. so on and so forth.

  2. How to use "rows", and "cols" This section I feel is a bit deeper than was explained in the short section. I think I will revist this more in the future.

So to wrap things up bootstrap has a lot of uses that can make our lives a lot easier as developers. The down side is I've heard alot of developers and blogs and so on say the samething about it.

"Sites built with bootstrap tend to look the same all around and evenutally give a very bland feeling."

This is a valid point and to add to it I think that as developers we need to push the envelope and keep inovating that is what makes our jobs so much fun!

look out for part 2 coming soon!

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Brandon Brown

I am a web developer documenting my experiences with learning front end web development.

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