100 Days of code 4
100 Days of code part 4
Alright I feel it's time we check in on the journey with the 100 Days of code challenge!
The last time I posted about my 100 days of code progress I spoke about Graphql and a basic schema I broke it down a little bit and what is happening in it.
Today I'd like to talk about what I've been working on which no surprise has been a lot of react and graphql with some sass and css as well.
I'm not going to do an in depth breakdown in this post I'd rather give an overview of what I have been working on. I've been working on a personal project which yes I'm using gatsbyjs to build how surprising I know like I haven't dedicated plenty of my posts to gatsbyjs.
This personal project as you know is running on Reactjs and GraphQl.
I'm also using Sass and Css. So what is all this culminating to be? Well I'm building an e-commerce site yeah I know building an online store using these technologies really sounds a little far fatched but I promise once the website is live I will do a breakdown of how i built it all and how it works.
Let me get back on topic and breakdown some of the features i've included of course the basics you would expect like
- shopping cart
- newsletter sign up
- share buttons for email, sms, facebook and twitter.
- customized checkout flow
You get the idea essentially it should function as a full on ecommerce site there are a few things missing which i'm still working on to see how it will implement such as a login section and giving the option to chose between a logged in checkout experience and and guest checkout if you want to just get in and out quickly.
Where am I going forward? as of the writing of this post I am now on day 47 of of the 100 day journey and I'll be honest I've been posting daliy on my Instagram page about the experience I've never done a daily post schedule. At first it was a bit difficult to keep up with it has ogtten easier and it's great to look back and see where I statred and the changes I've seen in the little over a month and a half of coding every single day no matter what.
Stay tuned for part 5
If you'd like to join the community and make your own posts on here and share your experiences Reach to me VIA social media or Email and I'd be more than happy to feature your writings!
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I am a web developer documenting my experiences with learning front end web development.
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