100 Days of code 5
100 Days of code part 5
Lets get to it at the writing of this article I'm at day 85/100 and this journey has been an intersting one to say the least. Let me explain why.
If you'd like to read the last post part 4 of the challenge you can do so here Part 4.
When I first started this I was following the Freecodecamp course selction for javascript starting with front end developement course which starts with bootstrap then moves into jQuery, sass and then React. I only made it actually about half ways through the react section before I had stopped following the course.
I stopped following the course because this blog you're reading is actually built with GatsbyJs which uses React and Graphql to create the site and pull information. To be honest building this blog was my first attempt at using React and Graphql. I alaways had plans to learn react after becoming familiar with Javascript and ES6 so I figured I could kill a few birds with one stone if you get my meaning.
Why did I start the course in the first place and why did I stop? Well that is easy and not so easy to answer at the same time. I stopped following it becuase I still had a whole plothora of fixes, features, updates, bugs and styles I wanted to fix I figured why not continue my 100 days of code challenge by just working on my site this way I'm getting experience with React by just doing which in my opinion is the best way to do it.
Where am I at now and what am I working on? Well currently I've been spending a good amount of time on fixing small bugs and working on the SEO of this blog actually I think SEO is something that constatly needs to be worked on and can always be improved if you'd like to know more about SEO you can look at my last post Here I'll be honest I'm not an SEO wizard or guru by any means this just an overview of what SEO is how it's heplful and tools us can utilize in order to improve and keep track of yours.
Aside from that I've been working on another project which is a small ecommerce site that I'm building using GatsbyJs as well. I figured since I'm already working with Gatsby why not continue on in my learning of the platform since it handles things like SEO, site speed and performance very well it makes sense. I'll keep you posted on the site I'm building and once it's done talk about how I careted it in a blog post all it's own.
Where am I going from here? That is the million dollar question isn't it? I think I will tinker with SEO some more between now and then and hopefully launch the Ecommerce site once that is done I will go back to the basics aof React and learn the ins and outs there maybe a few small tutorials and nad projects just to get better accquainted.
Stay tuned for the conclusion of the challenge.
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I am a web developer documenting my experiences with learning front end web development.
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